Since the laws on cannabis changed, the products have emerged fast and furious. The market is booming and will continue. Cannabis is a natural, multi-functional plant that has transformed for the masses. From health issue relief to natural products of all kinds, there’s a niche for everyone. Whether you have a cannabis-related business or want to break in at the bottom, now is the time to do it.

Here are some common and uncommon but popular marijuana-infused products that may spark a business owner or potential business owner’s desire to innovate.

The first list of popular marijuana-infused products is the most common and popular.  Then a bonus list of the unusual products you may want to get a jump on early because they’ll be gaining strength soon.

Most Popular Cannabis-Infused Products


This is the product that most people associate with marijuana. It heals without the psychotropic effects of THC, the substance that causes a high from smoking weed recreationally.  Cannabis oil comes in many forms to be ingested or topically applied depending on the formula and instructions.

They have credited it with being a viable health support system for many of the common diseases and those caused by inflammation in the body. It’s also backed by studies that you can check out like the one by CLEAR: { Cannabis Law Reform} in a paper by Peter Reynolds back in 2015 called The Evidence. We have discovered much more today. It’s a product with good ROI for both the cultivator and the consumer.

Marijuana Infused Products

Beauty and Skincare

Another area of business that’s one of the most popular marijuana Infused products and that’s beauty and skincare. This was a brilliant idea because it created a niche to target those who are not typical buyers. This opened the door wider to the public. This area is skyrocketing so much so you can find CBD beauty and skincare products at a Sephora beauty counter.

Marijuana-Infused Drinks

Now, here’s one that’s still in its fledgling stage but worth having a look at. If states like Michigan continue to legalize or decriminalize marijuana, then this will continue. It’s infused in beer, cola, and punch made by certain companies such as Medicine Man in Colorado.

Cannabis Candy Treats

This is a combination of two things that release endorphins. Chocolate and THC. A marriage made in heaven that people will pay good money to reward themselves with. This is another limited edition since this popular marijuana-infused product contains THC. This will grow as legalization and decriminalization continue.

Cannabis Gummies and Capsules

For those who want to snack on something yummy like a treat they had when they were young there’s the gummy bear. For those who just want to get it done and feel calm, there are capsules. This is a clean and easy way to dispense Cannabis.

Cannabis Animal Products

This one is special and given that animal products are lucrative and popular it’s an area to monitor. There are companies now that are hard at work producing CBD products for animals. They’re often stricken by things like arthritis and other diseases that the poor things can’t voice when it gives them pain. Canna-Pet is a company already doing it so getting in on the bottom could farewell.

Bonus Marijuana-Infused Products

Here’s a sneak peek into the world of not so popular marijuana-infused products. That’s only because they’re little known.

Feminine Products

Yes, if you want to beat cramps and inflammation from menstruation then get a marijuana-infused tampon product. You heard right. It won’t get you high but may provide relief from that most uncomfortable time.

Oral Care Products

Want to get a handle on those bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, tooth pain or bad breath? The area of business of marijuana-infused oral care is a niche you may not have known about but wish someone had. There are a few companies that carry these. They contain only CBD and no THC, so you can control these issues without the high.


Got you interested? This is an industry that needs no coaxing. There’s a personal lubricant for women called Foria that touts a guarantee of 15 minutes of pleasure. Anything to do with this area should sell well as a niche. The marriage is like that of THC and Chocolate. This product does not have THC and it is edible.

Honey “Pot”: Yes, it even comes in that familiar honey bear. No THC, so no high. However, this is in the health food genre and that industry shows no signs of slowing down.

We could go on for quite some time with the products that are popular marijuana-infused products. We think you get the picture that this industry is spreading and legislation will continue. Now is the time to get on board as a buyer or a seller. The squeaky wheel gets the attention, and when the people speak, they take the right action. Our health has never been more important to us and there’s never been a better time to get on board with a proactive attitude and become part of the natural health solution.

The Right Marijuana Retail Provisioning Location

Marijuana entrepreneurs who dream of making their fortune providing marijuana and marijuana-infused products to the general public can increase their chances for success if they have the right marijuana retail provisioning location. We can help. We can work with visionary, marketing savvy marijuana entrepreneurs to help them find the ideal location to set up their provisioning center. We can offer properties perfectly suited for running marijuana dispensaries or any other type of provisioning center in many locations throughout Michigan. All you have to do is give us a call.

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