Weekly Michigan Marijuana News
A weekly review of Michigan’s Cannabis Industry Monday 8/19/2019
Marijuana tax revenues may not be the long-term answer to Michigan budget woes
8/19/2019 – While sales of legal marijuana are expected to explode in Michigan, tax revenues may not fix the state’s budget woes longterm.”
Detroit Free Press
‘Unreliable testing’ prompts Michigan to suspend a marijuana company’s license for the first time
8/16/2019 – The Marijuana Regulatory Agency investigation into Iron Laboratories is ongoing.
Michigan’s Adult-Use Rules Put Cannabis Pioneers Out in the Cold
7/24/19- The state tilts the playing field away from small business owners, and big out-of-state companies are slow to hire local talent.
Michigan’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency Introduces Tier-Based Fee System
8/9/19 – Under the new plan, many businesses will see a reduction in fees, which could help make the industry more accessible.
High Times