Weekly Michigan Marijuana News

A weekly review of Michigan’s Cannabis Industry 8/9/2019

Michigan lit the way for recreational marijuana in the Midwest, so where are the pot shops?


“Michigan lit the way for recreational marijuana in the Midwest, so where are the pot shops?

8/7/2019 – It’s been more than half a year since voters said yes to legalization.”


Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency warning of possible THC potency testing inaccuracy</a></h3>
<p>8/7/2019 - Medical marijuana patients


Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency warning of possible THC potency testing inaccuracy

8/7/2019 – Medical marijuana patients throughout Michigan may have the wrong dosage of product after a cannabis testing lab released inaccurate THC test results, according to the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA). The agency issued an advisory stating The Spott in Kalamazoo entered inaccurate potency results into the statewide monitoring system between May 3, 2019, and July 11, 2019. The Spott is one of five licensed safety compliance facilities in the state, according to the MRA.


'Michigan officials shake up medical marijuana business license fees


Michigan officials shake up medical marijuana business license fees

8/8/19 – A new fee structure takes effect Oct. 1.


Recreational marijuana could be available in Nov


Recreational marijuana could be available in Nov

9/6/19 – The law gave the state a year to figure out rules, regulations and the application process to allow businesses to get in the game.

Wood TV

'Three communities say no to marijuana businesses during Tuesday's election


Three communities say no to marijuana businesses during Tuesday’s election

8/7/19 – The prospect of legal weed in Michigan took a hit Tuesday night when three communities voted to ban marijuana businesses in their towns.


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